Disassemble the homemade constellation for the blind box _ How to make the constellation for the blind bag?

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The method of leaf self-made blind box is as follows:

1. Fold the square paper in half first and then unfold it. After unfolding, fold the crease from both sides to the middle.

2. Fold and unfold, and then fold up.

3. Then gently fold the crease from both sides to the middle.

4. Fold and unfold, and cut the black line segment with scissors.

5. After gluing, fold the four small squares above into a small triangle.

6. Fold three small triangles in turn, and fold the last small triangle down into a black triangle.

7. After folding, as shown in the figure, prepare another item, put it in the box, and fold the other side like this.

8. Finally, draw four possible projects with mechanical pencil.