What are the stars we see in the sky at night?

At night we can see the stars in the night sky. What are these little lights? Most of them are stars in the universe, plus some planets in the solar system. How many stars can we observe with the naked eye under ideal conditions? * * * There are 6,974 (not absolute).

Here we are going to mention a concept called magnitude. Magnitude is an astronomical representation of the brightness of a star. The brightness of a star is generally expressed by magnitude. The smaller the magnitude, the brighter and darker the star. For every difference 1 magnitude, the brightness of the star is about 2.5 12 times. The brightness of 1 star is exactly 0/00 times that of 6 stars. The brightness difference of 0. 1 magnitude is about 1.0965 times. First-class star 2 1, second-class star 46, third-class star 134, fourth-class star 458, fifth-class star 1476, sixth-class star 4840, 6974 * *. Brighter ones are 0 or even negative numbers. (The sun is -26.7, the brightness of the full moon is-12.6, and Venus is -4.9 at its brightest. These stars are all in the range of 7000 to 8000 light years from the earth, and you can't see further.

Among these more than 6,000 stars, there are some names that we are very familiar with. Sirius is a blue-and-white main sequence star, 8.6 light years away from the earth, and it is also the brightest star we can see all day except the sun. Of all celestial bodies, Venus (the brightest visible star), Jupiter and Mars are brighter than it, but they are planets in the solar system, not stars.

Haishan II: The farthest visible star is about 7000 light years.

The Big Dipper: It refers to the seven stars in Ursa Major, which are distributed within 78- 124 light years from the earth, and are also far away from each other.

Vega: Vega is α (Lyra α, the brightest star in Lyra, about 25 light years away from the earth. The fifth brightest star in the night sky.

Altair: Altair is a white main sequence star in Lyra, which is 16.7 light years away from the earth. The brightest star in the night sky 12.

Arcturus: Alpha Sagittarius, arcturus, is the brightest star in Sagittarius. The apparent magnitude is -0.05, which is the third brightest star in the whole night sky. It is about 36.7 light years away from the earth.

Canopus: Alpha carina, about 3 10 light-years from the solar system. The bright apparent magnitude is -0.72 and the absolute magnitude is -5.53, and its brightness is the second brightest star in the whole day after Sirius.

South Gate: Alpha Centauri, located in Centauri, is the closest star system to the sun. The total apparent magnitude of Nanmener is about -0.27, the apparent magnitude of Nanmener A (the brightest of the three stars) is -0.0 1, and the total absolute magnitude is 4.4. It is customarily regarded as the third brightest star in the whole day. Alpha Centauri is also called proxima centauri, so proxima centauri has to mention a very special and important star, namely the B star of Alpha Centauri in proxima centauri, which is located in the livable zone of proxima centauri and has always been regarded as a planet with life and even civilization, 4.2 light years away from the Earth.

Betelgeuse, or alpha Orion, is the ninth bright star in the whole day and the second bright star in Orion. Betelgeuse, in the red Supergiant star phase, is one of the largest and brightest stars known, 640 light years away from the Earth.

Betelgeuse A, the brightest star in Orion, is a blue and white Supergiant star, located in the lower right corner of Orion, and the seventh brightest star in the whole day. Its apparent magnitude is 0. 18, and it is 863 light years away from the earth.

Large magellanic cloud: large magellanic cloud is one of the famous extragalactic galaxies in this galaxy group. It is the largest satellite galaxies in the Milky Way, about 654.38+0.6 million light-years away from the solar system, with a diameter of about 65.438+0/20 of the Milky Way, and a number of stars of about 65.438+0/65.438+00 (about 65.438+0.000). The Large Magellanic Cloud is the fourth in this galaxy group.

Small Magellanic Cloud: The small Magellanic Cloud lies between azaleas and hydra. It is a dwarf galaxy and an irregular galaxy near the Milky Way. Small magellanic cloud is about 7,000 light years in diameter and contains hundreds of millions of stars. It is about 200,000 light years away from the Milky Way and is one of the closest extragalactic galaxies.

Andromeda galaxy: Andromeda galaxy is a spiral galaxy with a huge disk structure, which is located in the direction of Andromeda. Messier catalog, numbered M3 1, has a diameter of 220,000 light years and is 2.54 million light years away from the earth. It is the largest galaxy closest to the Milky Way.

Andromeda galaxy is one of the most distant celestial bodies visible to the naked eye in the northeast sky. Similar in appearance to the Milky Way. The members of this galaxy group are Andromeda, Milky Way, Triangle and about 50 small galaxies. Andromeda and the Milky Way are both in this galaxy group, and their diameters are at least 1.6 times that of the Milky Way. Andromeda galaxy is the largest galaxy in this galaxy group. It is moving towards the Milky Way at a speed of 300 kilometers per second, and may hit the Milky Way in 3-4 billion years.

Hubble volume: Hubble volume is also called Hubble volume, which means the size of the universe. Hubble volume literally means the universe that we humans can observe. We know that the history of the universe is 65.438+038 billion years, so we can see the moment of the Big Bang as far as possible. "Big Bang Cosmology" holds that the universe was formed by the expansion of a dense and hot singularity after a big bang 65.438+0.37 billion years ago. Belgian astronomer and cosmologist Lemaistre proposed the Big Bang hypothesis for the first time. American astronomer Hubble confirmed the theory of expanding universe through Hubble's law, that is, the redshift of galaxies is proportional to the distance between galaxies. However, we can't say that the observable universe is 65.438+038 billion light years. Due to the expansion of the universe and the gravitational redshift, scientists have calculated that the radius of our universe is about 46 billion light years and the diameter is about 93 billion light years. However, due to Hubble's law, some areas far enough away from us in the universe will leave us at a speed faster than the speed of light (special relativity prevents adjacent objects from moving at a speed faster than the speed of light relative to another object in the same local area, but there is no such restriction on distant objects in the expanding space-time), and dark energy leads to the accelerated expansion of the universe. Assuming that the dark energy is constant and the expansion speed of the universe will continue to increase, there will be a "future visible limit", and objects beyond this limit will never be observed by us. A subtle situation is that, as the Hubble parameter decreases with time, there will be a scene that a galaxy slightly faster than the speed of light may just be able to transmit light to us. The calculation of the "visible limit in the future" shows that the moving distance of * * * is 65.438+09 billion parsec (about 62 billion light years), which means that the number of galaxies we can see in the endless future can only be 2.36 times more than now.

Attached is a list of the top 100 stars compiled by other great gods.

0 -26.73 Sun Sun

1-1.46 α CMa Sirius

2 -0.72 α car classic car

3 -0.04 var α Boo Arcturus

4 -0.27 α Cen South Gate 2 Rigil Kentaurus

5 0.03 α Vega Lyra

6 0.08 α month five cars two five cars two five cars two.

Betelgeuse 7 0. 12 β Ori Betelgeuse

8 0.38 α CMi South River Three South River Three

9 0.46 α Eri Water Committee -Achernar

10 0.58 var α Ori Betelgeuse

1 1 0.6 1βCen mafu-Hadar

12 0.77 α Aql Hegu Altair

13 0.85 varατ Aldebaran

14 0.96 α Sco Antares Antares

15 0.97 α Vir hornet ear

16 1. 14 β Baoshi Beihe Powder

171.16 α PSA Beiluoshimen Beiluoshimen

18 1.25 β Cru crossed triple Becrux, mimosa.

19 1.25 α Cyg Tianjin four Tianjin four

20 1.33 α2 Cen south gate 2 -B

2 1 1.35 α Leo Xuanyuan XIV Xuanyuan XIV

22 1.5 ε CMa sagittal 7 Adhara

23 1.58 α 1 Crokros II-1

24 1.63 γ Cru cross cross cross

25 1.63 λ Sco Su Wei Bachoura

26 1.64 γ Ori Betelgeuse

27 1.65 β Tau five cars five Elnath

28 1.68 β car south ship five Miaplacidus

29 1.7 ε Orie Alnilam

30 1.74 α Gru crane-Alnair

3 1 1.77 ε UMa Yuheng (Beidou No.5) Alioth

32 1.79 α Uma Shu Tian (Beidou No.1)

Every Skyboat III Mirfak

34 1.82 γ2 Weltian House-sohail, Reigor

35 1.85εSgr Jisu San Kaus Australis

36 1.86 δ CMa vector -Wezen

37 1.86 ε automobile Shihai-availe

38 1.86 η UMa shaking light (Beidou 7) Alkaid, Benetnasch

39 1.87 θ Sco tail five Sargas,Girtab

40 1.9βAur menkalina menkalina

4 1 1.92

42 1.93 γ Gemstone Su Jing Sheng Henna

43 1.94 α Pav peacocks Eleven peacocks

441.96 Δ vel Tian She III

45 1.98 β CMa Military City-Murzim

46 1.98 α Hya star -αrd

47 1.99 α Baoshi Beihe Er Ricinus

48 2.0v ο Cet ο plus two Milla.

49 2.0 Volt α Ali Lou Su San Hamar

50 2.0v T CrB north corona t

5 1 2.0 1 var α UMi Polaris (if) Polaris

52 2.02 σ Sgr Residential Nunki

53 2.04 β Cet Toast Air Diphda

53 2.05 Betelgeuse-Betelgeuse 1

54 2.06 α and wall house II Alpheratz

55 2.06 β and Milac in Milac

56 2.06 κ Ori Betelgeuse Six Saives

57 2.06 θ Cen Library Building 3 Gate Kent

58 2.08 β UMi Di Kochab

59 2.08 α Oph Hou Ras Alhague

60±2.09α2 crus cross II-2α2 crus

6 1 2. 1 1βGru Crane II

62 2. 12 var β Five Algorithms per Ridge

63 2. 14 β Leo Five Emperors-Denebola

64 2. 17 γ cen library building 7 comprehensive building

65 2.2 γ Lyra Star Tianjin-Sade

66 2.2 1 λ Vel Tianjin Suhai

67 2.23 α Cas Wang Liangsi Schedar

68 2.23 δ Ori mintaka -A Mintaka

69 2.23 α CrB cable four Gemma

70 2.23 γ Dra Tianzhu four Eltanin

712.25 ζ pup increased by 22 Naos.

72 2.25 1. Cheshihai II Aspidiske

73 2.26 γ 1 General Tian Yi Allmacher

74 2.27 β Cas king Caph

75 2.27 ζ UMa Kaiyang -A

76 2.29 ε Sco vestibule II

77 2.3 ε Cen South Gate -Al birdhaun

78 2.3 α Lup Rider ten Kakkab

79 2.3 1 η Cen Library Building 2

80 2.32 δ Sco three-chamber Dschubba

8 1 2.37 β Uma Tian Xuan (Beidou II) Merak

82 2.39 ε Peg dangerous Enif

83 2.39 α Phe firebird six Ankaa

84 2.4 ε Boo terrier river-Izar

85 2.4 1 κ Sco tail seven Girtab

86 2.42 β Peg V-II Scheat

87 2.43 η Oph Song (Zuoyuan 1 1)

88 2.44 α Cep hook pentadecylamine

89±2.44ηCMa sagittal plane 2 Aludra

90 2.44 γ UMa celestial pole (Beidou-3) Phad

9 1 2.46 ε Cyg Tianjin Jiujina

92 2.47 γ Cas policy

93 2.49 α PEG ventricular Suyi.

94 2.5 κ Ville Tian She 5

95 2.53 α Cet Tianyi Yimen Carl

96 2.55 ζ Cen Library Building -Alnair

97±2.56δLeo Upper West Phase (right slope V at the tail of the platform V) Zosma

98 2.56 ζ Oph Korea

99 2.58 α Lep toilet -Arneb

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