Canis major [CMa]
Ursa major [Uma], Ursa major.
Dog sign [CMi]
Pony constellation
Leo Minor [LMi], little lion.
Ursa minor [UMi], Ursa minor.
Mensa [man], table, table mountain constellation
Rabbit constellation [Lep]
Sirius, the dog star Sirius
Libra Libra
Lyra constellation
Sagitta [Sge], Sagittarius with arrow
Ara [Ara], the constellation of the Temple of Heaven.
Apus [Aps], bird of paradise
Lynx [Lyn] Tmall constellation
Draco [Dra], dragon constellation
Pigeon constellation
Cygnus, cygnus
Dome [for], furnace sky furnace constellation.
Crane constellation
Eagle Eagle constellation
Peacock constellation
Water snake constellation
the andromeda strain
Cepheus, Cepheus
Cassiopeia and Empress Constellation
North corona [CRB], north corona.
Serpens [Ser], viper constellation
Crater [Crt], a huge cup-shaped constellation
Cancer constellation
Sculptor [SCL] Yu Fu constellation
Coma berenice [com], berenice's hair night constellation
Toucan cuckoo constellation
Hercules [her] Wuxian constellation
Bojiangzuo Bojiangzuo
Herdsman Mu Fu constellation
Fox constellation
Hydra [Hya], the water monster constellation
Corona Australia [CRA], South Corona South Corona.
Southern fish constellation
Octagonal constellation
Shield constellation
Poerxiusi, Poerxiusi.
Pegasus constellation
Volans [Vol], flying fish flying fish constellation
Antlia [Ant], pump constellation
Horology [hor]
Crow, crow
Norm[Nor], horizontal, square moment ruler constellation
Wolf jackal constellation
[Aur], auriga.
Sailing constellation
Puppis [pupp], the stern constellation of a ship
The base constellation of a ship's keel.
Virgo, virgo
Ophir, Ophir.
Camel, Giraffe and Leopard.
Pictor [Pic], easel easel constellation
Compass constellation
Leo [Leo], the lion lion constellation
Reticular constellation
Fly constellation
Phoenix constellation
Swordfish Swordfish
Carved constellation
Canes Venatici [CVn], hound dog constellation.
Gemini [gem], twin Gemini
Pisces [PSC]
Pyxis [Pyx], the compass constellation on the ship
Lizard constellation.
Cetus [Cet], the whale constellation.
Kirin constellation
Aquarius [Agr], Aquarius.
Microscope constellation
Sextant constellation
Indian constellation
Australasian Southern Triangle Constellation
Big dipper, big dipper
Little Big Dipper, Little Big Dipper, Little Big Dipper
Capricorn, goat Capricorn, goat constellation
Sagittarius [Sgr], Sagittarius, Sagittarius