Eunuchs, also known as eunuchs, were slaves in ancient China, serving the emperor and his family. Not all eunuchs in the pre-Qin and Western Han dynasties were eunuchs. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs have been eunuchs. Also known as officials, middle officials, internal officials, internal ministers, internal servants and so on. During the Eastern Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties, eunuchs held the power of state affairs.
Guan, the name of the constellation, has four stars in the west of the throne, which are used as the names of people close to the emperor. Eunuch, or eunuch, has many complicated names in different dynasties, including official, middle official, inner official, inner minister, inner servant, middle supervisor, inner supervisor, Zhongjun, Zhongren, Zhongjun, Temple Man, Mansion Hall, Villain, Little Minister, Middle Person and Middle Minister.
Officials, eunuchs, minions, Huangmen, Jichen, constant servants, officials, middle envoys, punishments, criminal disabilities, etc. Eunuch was originally an official title. In Tang Gaozong, the provinces were changed to the imperial palace, and eunuchs were eunuchs with less supervision. The Sui and Tang Dynasties had a big supervisor, and "big" or "too" had nothing to do with eunuchs. There were twelve supervisors in the Ming Dynasty, and the chief officer was called eunuch. Only the higher-ranking internal supervisors are called "eunuchs".
In the Qing Dynasty, all eunuchs were called eunuchs, and eunuchs and eunuchs were synonyms. Eunuchs are slaves in charge of court chores and are not allowed to participate in state affairs. But because they live with the royal family day and night, they can win the trust of the emperor and have a chance. Some eunuchs served as court ministers.
Huang Zongxi expressed the loss of eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty in "Waiting for a Visit to Ming Yi": there were six prime ministers, and the official position of the court was also spontaneous, and the approval of this chapter was first passed down by word of mouth, and then drafted. The wealth of the world, first in the library and then in Taicang, the prison of the world, first in the East Factory and then in the Legal Department, everything else. It's six prime ministers. They're just members of the election officials.
In China, the word "convex knife" appeared in Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Shang Dynasty, and its meaning was similar to castration, indicating that people were castrated at that time; But there is no record that they are court attendants. The use of eunuchs began in the records of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In Zhou Li, there is a saying that "the palace is kept inside, and it is rejected by humanity". At that time, eunuchs were used as "temple people", "internal vertical" and "people"
But the number is small and the status is low. They are only responsible for handyman, messenger and so on, which is a kind of retainer. With the development of absolute monarchy, in the Warring States and the Qin Dynasty, the number of prisoners increased greatly, the number of institutions using eunuchs increased, and eunuchs began to take power.