Rulers of Taurus, Capricorn, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius, Cancer, Rulers (such as Venus and Jupiter) and Lucky Stone (birthday). ...

Taurus: Venus, birthstone: April birthstone is a diamond, May birthstone is an emerald, and the patron saint is Ceres.

Gemini: mercury, birthstone: pearl, lucky stone: pearl, agate, lucky gem: coral, blue crystal: blue, green, pink, patron saint: mercury.

Capricorn: Saturn, birthstone: turquoise, lucky stone: onyx. Patron saint: Vulcan, the god of power.

Pisces: Jupiter, Neptune, birthstone: aquamarine, lucky stone: opal, emerald, the Roman name of the patron saint Aphrodite is Venus.

Aquarius: Saturn, Uranus, the lucky stone: amethyst, the patron saint: Uranus, Uranus,

Cancer: moon, guardian stone: moonstone,

Patron saint: themis, the moon god.