The fifth of the five craziest explorers in history discovered Brazil.

Humans have always liked to explore the world around them. In modern times, this is very difficult because most places have been discovered and recorded. However, in the past, this was not the case. Ancient explorers had to explore the dangers for a long time before they could find out what was beyond the horizon and report it. Here are the five craziest explorers in history.

5. pedro cabral-India Expedition 1500, Portuguese explorer pedro cabral set out for India. Vasco de Gama has opened up this route before, so what Cabral has to do is follow suit. However, things didn't go as planned! Shortly after leaving Lisbon, his fleet was blown far out to sea and finally landed in Brazil as we know it now.

4. john thomson-Africa Expedition 19 At the end of the 20th century, most major European countries forced African countries to become independent through exploration activities. A different explorer is the Scottish type of john thomson. He is famous for never using violence against aborigines when crossing the mainland and never losing anyone because of violence. His six expeditions covered many countries from Kenya to Nigeria, covering 24,000 kilometers.

3.Carsten Borchgrevink goes to the Southern Cross. If you want to explore the South Pole, the first names you think of are Roald Amundsen and Captain Scott. Amundsen won their Antarctic competition, but he was not the first Norwegian to try this feat. Carsten Borchgrevink tried before him. Although he failed, he kept the record of being closest to the finish line.

2. Benjamin Smith Benjamin Smith is a famous explorer. He led five expeditions, one of which went wrong. His boat froze, and his companions had to hide on a nearby island 10 months. Remarkably, they all survived! They lived on the fish they could catch, and finally built a raft to go to sea.

1, David Douglas-Rocky Mountain Douglas is a famous Scottish botanist. He often explored abroad in the19th century. This led him to bring many non-native species back to Britain, such as Douglas fir. Although most of his travels went smoothly, he got separated from his companions during an expedition and almost died.