Ff9 12 constellation _sf9 constellation

Kneel for the ultimate crystal weapon acquisition method of FF series talent player FF9?

The protagonist: Ultima Wear, taken from the sunken island, was obtained when the fourth CD was used in Chocobo, and there was no bubble.

Princess: Tiger Pat, obtained with dead pepper in the cave where Li Meihui's old man was adopted.

Li Meihui: The scepter of Zeus, in the last boss's castle, climbed a ladder-there was a red asteroid behind it, and reached the ceiling, just northwest of the ceiling.

More specifically, it is in front of the stairs leading to the room where the lich fights.

Armored Warrior: Ragnarok, taken from Chocobo Treasure No.21(the best is ExcaliburII of course. You must arrive at the last boss's castle within 12 hours and kill the necromancer, and get it near the recording point next to it).

Girl Caller: The tiger racket was obtained with dead pepper in the cave where the old man in Li Meihui was adopted.

Dragon Knight: Dragon Hair, I found it in a treasure chest in the northwest of Forgotten China. There are dead peppers. There are no cracks there, so it's not easy to find.

Chef: Gastro Fork caught 99 frogs and then killed the chef's master.

Red hair: In the castle of the last boss of the Rune Claw, on the left is a room with stairs leading to the giant eye.