How to spell the symbol of 12 constellation?

Hold down ALT, type the following number on the keyboard, and then release it, and it will come out.

Alt+34 148= centigrade.

Alt+34 149= …

alt+43 144=▓

alt+43 15 1=◤

alt+4 1459=◇

alt+4 1460=◆

alt+43 1 13=╥

alt+43 1 14=╦

alt+43 1 15=╧

alt+43 1 16=╨

alt+43 1 17=╩

alt+43 1 18=╪

alt+43 1 19=╫

alt+43 120=╬

alt+43 12 1=╭

alt+43 122=╮

alt+43 123=╯

alt+43 124 =κ

alt+43 125=╱

alt+43 126=╲

alt+43 127=╳

alt+43 128=▁

alt+43 129=▂

alt+43 130=▃

alt+43 13 1=▄

alt+43 132=▅

alt+43 133=▆

alt+43 134=▇

alt+43 144=▓

alt+43 145=▔

alt+43 146=▕

alt+4 1457=●

alt+4 1458=◎

alt+43 138▊

alt+43 139▋

alt+43 140▌

alt+43 14 1▍

alt+43 142▎

alt+43 143▏

alt+43 147▼

alt+43 148▼

alt+43 149◢

alt+43 15 1◤

alt+43 152◥

alt+43 153☉

alt+43 154⊕

alt+43 156

alt+4 144 1=♂

alt+4 1424=⌒


alt+4 1442=♀,

alt+4340 1=? 6? 1

alt+43402=? 6? 2

alt+43403=? 6? three

alt+43404=? 6? four

alt+43405=? 6? five

alt+43406=? 6? seven

alt+43408=? 6? eight

alt+43409=? 6? nine

alt+434 10=? 6? 0

alt+434 1 1=? 6? 1

alt+434 12=? 6? 2

alt+434 13=? 6? three

alt+434 14=〇

alt+43 155=〒

Alt+43370=﹋ (on)

alt+4337 1=﹌

Alt+43374 = ~ (below)




In addition, let me first introduce the input methods of ▆ and █: two symbols.

The way to play ▆ is to hold down A! T plus the number 43 133 and let go.

The way to play █ is to hold down A! T plus the number 43 136 and let go.

You can print the following graphics by forming graphics in the game name:





