(Zhou Yun) One-week horoscope of Lanyaduo 4. 1-4.7

Jessica Lanado, an American astrologer, media astrologer and psychic, has more than 20 years' working experience and has programs or columns on TV and print media. Fortune style is psychological guidance.

Please indicate the star translation agency and translator.

Aries-Translator: Improvisation

Aries, you are undergoing a major transformation. Even though you have made some important breakthroughs recently, you still feel that the progress is too slow. Take a good look at your inner fire this week. Is this sense of urgency due to inner fragility? Or are you really ready to move on? Either way, this period of time is suitable for slowing down, rearranging and adjusting, so that future actions can continue with sincerity and understanding.

Taurus-Translator: Improvisation

When you don't know what the future holds and what to believe now, it's easy to assume the worst. Be careful not to prove your innocence this week, Taurus. Don't cling to what you are afraid of, lest you be afraid of what is coming. If you feel anxious, try to understand your psychological state and behavior pattern. If you need to make changes, the first step to success is to accept your current state.

Gemini-Translator: Pa

You may need to slow down and re-debug this week. Things have changed. No matter you or your situation, you need to keep up with the progress and figure out how to find your own way in this new environment. Gemini, be honest about what you don't know, so that you can ask yourself the right questions and finally get the answers you want. Now is not the time to react defensively to this situation. Come up with a strategy, starting with the strategy.

Cancer-Translator: Rain at night becomes autumn.

Moon child, you may have to face your fears this week. You can choose any way to face it, but the best choice is to calm your emotions first. Only by doing this can you respond to what bothers you. In other words, don't get caught up in the story you are telling yourself about your situation. Find a way to treat yourself and others and reflect who you are, not your situation.

Leo-Translator: Pa

The process of realizing what doesn't work or what you don't like is frustrating, but it is also instructive. Allow yourself the freedom to be aware of the difficulty and admit it, so that you can learn from it and potentially change it slowly. This week is a good time to try to make concrete changes that you want to see in your life. Don't wait for others to do this for you. You can do it yourself, lion.

Virgo-Translator: Improvisation

Virgo, there is a good opportunity to become more independent recently. There is no need to isolate yourself from others; Just pick it yourself. As long as you ensure clear communication with close people, TAs will not regard your change as a snub or rejection. The most efficient time is when self-care and healthy interpersonal relationships are taken into account.

Libra-translator: clover

This week is very important. You should adjust your relationship with intuition. If you can't follow your intuition, you can't grasp the wisdom contained in it. Before the idea is formed, it will be counterproductive and add chaos out of thin air. It is better to wait and see this week. Don't get into any emotions, but give them room to digest themselves. So you can find the answer gracefully and calmly.

Scorpio-Translator: Rain at night becomes autumn.

Scorpio, make sure that things that make you happy don't cost you. Old entanglements and addictions may resurface this week, but they are not meaningless. You don't need to know what will happen next, or even what to do at this moment, to know where you are wrong. Your best choice is to keep this uncomfortable state patiently. In doing so, the answer you seek will appear gracefully.

Sagittarius-Translator: Cora

Capricorn-Translator: Hans

You don't have to be a leader, and you don't have to be a leader all the time if you want to be a leader. You don't have to be busy all the time or have a task. It's hard to rely on your emotions when you push yourself forward. Taking a break, listening to other people's leaders and even saying "I don't know" are all powerful. Dare to switch to self-care mode this week, Capricorn.

Aquarius-translator: clover

To some extent, how you look at the fear of failure is more meaningful than personal gains and losses and success or failure itself. This week, whether the method you try works or not, you need to remain humble and awe-inspiring. It's good for you to make sure you are in good shape. Bottle, those things you have hesitated and shaken, bravely take responsibility, and please fight for what you deserve with confidence.

Pisces-translator: clover

Although I don't think you need to pull yourself together completely, it's no use struggling with depression and stress. Try your best to find ways to support and respect your emotions and feelings, and don't give up or destroy yourself. Pisces, don't forget who you are. From the heart, take this as the starting point of action, even if it means moving slower than planned and feeling more fragile.