What's the ability of Xinghui Phantom Star?

Suggest a useful main skill+two key skills, and then click+15% skill effect, so that the main skill has twice the skill effect, and some key skills also enjoy the skill effect bonus.

Star ability is a new ability that players who stand on the altar of * * * and the constellation of * * * gain in an active state. After the player successfully obtains the star energy, he can open the Star Mang Set and click the "Star Energy" tab.

There are three skill points on the map. The skill point with constellation pattern is called root skill, and there are two skill points behind the root skill point. Small ones provide weak skill attributes, and big ones with circles provide strong skill attributes. The colors of skill points represent different states, yellow means activated, magenta means optional, and light blue means locked.

The upper limit of the star's ability is increased from 9 to 30( 1. 16 is 40), and the initial level is 0, and a skill point is obtained. At this time, you can activate the skill by clicking on the online skill point, and then you can get another skill point every level. It was removed on 1. 16 and became a gem groove. The skill point in the middle is called "singularity". The special feature is that after activating this one, besides obtaining three skill points, you can also choose the star abilities of other constellations.

Star magic star ability skills:

When players choose skill points, sometimes it is inevitable that they will choose the wrong skill points. At this time, you can use the closed seal to shield those skill points that you don't like. If there is a sealed seal in your inventory column, it will appear in the upper left corner when you open the interface in the picture. Just drag the seal of the seal out of this grid and put it on the skill point you want to block, and double-click it to unseal it. Skill points will not be returned.

The singularity in the middle, after being selected, will be able to click on the other four root skills, and the root upgrade method is effective. Using this skill, you can quickly upgrade to level 30 for washing. The inherent skills around are unlocked by five constellations that need to be observed by the Observatory. Personally, I think only Wolf Star is useful.

The epiphany skill surrounded by three triangles, the first time to light the epiphany skill, must unlock all the points of the triangle. Each root skill can only unlock one corresponding skill, such as armor dodger unlocking defense and virtual throne moving.

When using singularities to light more than two root skills at the same time, lighting one corresponding epiphany will unlock other corresponding epiphany skills on the skill tree, which can directly consume one skill point to light without the skill connection unlocked on the skill tree, and will light three skills around the triangle together, and the three skills that are lit together will not consume skill points.

Note that it takes skill points to light up the three skills around the triangle when unlocking the first epiphany skill. Have multiple epiphany skills, enjoy higher experience gain, and can be upgraded quickly.