What English name is suitable for Aquarius?

Aquarius English name:


Carida (Carida)

Meaning: purity

Chinese name: Jie

Kimberly: Etymology-English


Kerene (Ji Lian)


Cosima (Kesma)

Cassiopeia (Cassiopeia)


Cyan (Shian)

Awm Aw Magnum


Anne Anne

Anna Anna

Tina, Tina

Jane Jane

Jessica Jessica

Ulrica (Eureka)

Keira (kina)

Cecilia (Cecilia)

Denean-Danae, because it means that gold falls from the sky like rain. What a coincidence! ! what do you think?

Felicia (Felicia)

Ice (Aisi)

Selina (Selina)

Amaris (Amaris)

Sicily (Sisley)


Angelina (Angelene)

Sarafina (Saravona)

Sakura (sakura)

Elena (Elena)

Blanche (White Lan Xue)

Dolores (dolores)

Dolores (Dolores)

Desdemona (Desdemona)

Lonely Ting Hua (Emma Lilith)

Anemone (Lanmeng)

Cytheria (Cella)

Michelle (Michelle)

Lilith (Lilith)

Easter (Esther)

Lorelei (Lorelei)



Amethyst (baked rose silk)

Carida (Carida)

I think it is better to listen to some names. ...

Alva, Alva Latin, white.

Angela, Angela France, Angel; Messenger, angel.

Charlotte, Charlotte France, is physically strong and full of femininity.

Cherry, Ellie, France, kindness, cherry red.

Chloe, Chloe Greece, young and beautiful.

Crystal crystal, Greece, crystal ice, transparent soul, no deception.

Cynthia, Greece, the title of Diana, the goddess of the moon.

Dorothy Dorothy Greece, a gift from God.

Edith, Edith's Old English Fight; War.

Elva, Ava, Scandinavia, magic and wisdom.

Ethel, Ethel England, outstanding; Of noble birth.

Gabriel, Gabriel, Hebrew God is power.

Hazel, hazel, England, leader, commander

Iris, Alice Latin, the goddess of the rainbow; Iris.

Ivy, ivy, Greece, the sacred food in Greek legend.

Jesse, Jesse J, the grace of the Hebrew God; Wealth.

Juliet, Juliet Latin, has soft hair; young

Karen, Karen, Greece, purity.

Martina Martina Latin, God of War.

Michelle, Michelle, Aster Hebrew.

Miranda Miranda Latin, an admirable or respectable person.

Rachel, Rachel, Hebrew ewe or lamb; Kind and polite.

Sandra, Sandra Greece, defenders of mankind.

Sharon, Sharon, Gail, a beautiful princess; plain

Sylvia, Sylvia Latin, the forest girl.

Tiffany Tiffany France, tulle; Sacred.

Violets, violets, Scottish violets, Italian violets; Modesty.

Yvonne, yvonne, French, shooter.


Luke, the Messenger of Light

Liam's staunch protector

Lesham gem

Lelong, my song

Lehel breathing

Lawler speaker Sam

Short for samson Samuel. People's impression of Sam is that he is a strong, gentle, faithful and down-to-earth person who can be a heart-to-heart friend. The representative is the well-known Uncle Sam.


(Hebrew), schama (meaning [hearing]) and El (meaning [god]) are connected. Its complete meaning is "the person who is heard by God". This is related to the legends in the Bible. The Bible says that the mother of the prophet Samuel regarded his birth as a report that God prayed to her.


For John's Irish form.


People who are described as rain or shine, such as sean penn, or British people who are quite exciting and fashionable, such as En Shi Connery. Sean is the Irish form of John, Sean. Sean was described as

Young, handsome, lively, popular and gentle.


(French) from St. Denis. The name Sydney is associated with handsome, kind and professional experts. Although some people think that Sidney is a maverick who doesn't play by the rules.


Hebrew, meaning listener. Simon is regarded as a strong and burly man, either quiet or smart and creative.


Hebrew, meaning quiet villain. Reminiscent of short, bald Jewish teachers or prophets, strong, gentle and wise.


SPARK is portrayed as a dynamic person-a sensitive and dynamic person who brings people to the East.

Longitudinal sail

From French, it means warehouse keeper or grain distributor. People's impression of him comes directly from Spencer Tracy. Spencer in people's imagination is a gray-haired and extremely humorous old man.


Long and heavy nails. Spike is portrayed as an independent and powerful street boss, either a headstrong person or a boxer. Some people think this name is very suitable for dogs; I know a dog named Spike.


(Old English) from the grassland. The name Stanley gives people two impressions: a quiet old blue-collar or a scrawny weirdo.


With Stephen. Steven in people's minds is a tall and handsome man, quiet, polite and kind.

British Stuart royal family

Originally Scottish, people who look after livestock can sometimes be interpreted as people who look after property. Give people two impressions: a mighty and magnificent master, or a smart and educated gentleman.