1977 is what zodiac sign?
To answer the question of what zodiac sign 1977 is, we need to look at the person's birth time. There are two ways to divide the zodiac every year. The first way is to divide according to "New Year's Day", that is, people born in Gregorian calendar 1977 1 to 1977 in February 17 belong to dragons. Gregorian calendar date of birth is 1977 February 18 to 1977 February 1977 February 3 1, belonging to the snake. The second type is divided by the annual "beginning of spring", that is, people born from1February 5, 976 to1February 4, 977 in the Gregorian calendar belong to the the Year of the Loong of the lunar calendar. At this time, they were born as dragons; 1People born from February 4th, 977 to1February 4th, 978 belong to year of the snake in the lunar calendar, and were born as snakes at this time. According to the survey, the traditional Chinese zodiac in China is divided according to the annual "beginning of spring", which means that the dichotomy is more accurate.
When will 1977 people retire?
At present, the retirement age in China is 60 for men and 55 for women. Then, women born in 1977 will retire in 2032, and men born in 1977 will retire in 2037. Some special occupations or jobs may have different retirement ages, so you can go to relevant lawyers or professionals to answer them.
So this is the answer to two questions: What constellation does 1977 belong to, and when will the people of 1977 retire? 1977 Most people born are snakes, and a few are snakes, depending on the specific date; 1977 women can retire in 2032 and men can retire in 2037. Finally, I hope the above can help you.