Lucky date: 3rd,12nd, 30th.
Lucky week: Thursday
Lucky time: 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock.
Lucky direction (dating direction): south-southwest and east-southeast (south-southwest)
Lucky location: outdoor
Birthstone: Turkish jade (changing traffic, avoiding evil spirits, preventing unexpected disasters)
Guardian stone: amethyst (to reduce troubles in the heart)
Lucky Gem: Turkish Jade/Amethyst
Lucky material: samarium
Lucky flower: carnation
Suitable clothing: casual, lively and bright casual clothes or sportswear.
Epidemic sensitivity: types of epidemic sensitivity
The most important date of each month: 6th,15th, 24th.
Suitable for occupation: law, medicine, philosophy, international trade, public relations, Chinese, advertising, marketing, trading broker or mass communication and other related industries.