North Heavenly King in the Autumn Sky

In autumn, the royal constellations in the northern sky are composed of fairy queen, fairy king, fairy, Perseus and Pegasus. Cassiopeia is a branch of McDonald's in the sky, shaped like an "M" or "W". If you find Cassiopeia, you can find Polaris. Cepheus is located in the northwest of Hou Xian. It consists of five dark stars in the shape of short pencils. This constellation is famous for Cepheid variable stars. The fairy king and the fairy queen got married and gave birth to a fairy. Andromeda is located in the south of Cassiopeia. It is mainly composed of three bright stars, namely α star, β star, Milla strange star and γ star, which are connected into Arabic numeral "1" and point to the northeast. Therefore, there is a saying in the formula of autumn star recognition song: "the fairy word refers to the northeast."

Andromeda beta star is about 2.3 million light-years away, at 0/0 degree north of Milac/KLOC. It is another galaxy outside the Milky Way and the only one that people living in the northern hemisphere can see without a telescope. We call it "M3 1 Andromeda Galaxy".

Fairy king and fairy king husband sing with women, so fairy king is in the west and fairy king is in the east; But the fairy has a strong feminist consciousness, so her husband Poerxiusi was trampled by the fairy. Perseus is located in the east of Cassiopeia, and it can be found from the gamma star after the fairy to the delta pavilion road. Perseus is shaped like a lying word "ru". There is a beautiful h-χ double star cluster near the Fairy Queen in the constellation, and the beta star Daling V is the first confirmed eclipse star. According to legend, it is the head of Medusa, the gorgon, so westerners call it' the head of the monster' or' the star of the devil'. Arabs are so deceptive that they are called' restless ghosts and gods'.

Another big sign of the autumn sky is the autumn quadrangle near the top of the head. The autumn quadrangle consists of Areopatra II of Andromeda and "Alpha, Beta and Gamma Areopatra I * * * *" of Pegasus. In Greek mythology, Pegasus was a good horse flying from Medusa, which was cut down by Poerxiusi, and later became Poerxiusi's car.

We arrange seven stars, namely Milac in Andromeda, I in General and V in Perseus, into a spoon shape larger than the Big Dipper, which is called the autumn spoon.

Knowing the main constellations in the northern sky, we can use the big constellations to guide other small constellations. In the south of Andromeda, you can find a small constellation consisting of three stars-triangle, and Aries, which is located in the south of the triangle, is the first constellation of the zodiac. The beta star of Aries is called the "sign star", which was located here two thousand years ago.