However, if a man dreams of attending a sacrifice or ceremony, but does not worship God, he may have a quarrel with his wife and friends, and finally the contradiction will expand, and both sides will lose and it will be difficult to clean up.
The dream of praying for rain, or the dream of praying for a bumper harvest, may imply that the dreamer hopes to be spiritually reborn and get rid of the bad past; Or subconsciously hope that you or your partner can get pregnant and have children.
Dream memorial hall Dreaming of offering sacrifices to ancestors, proving the filial piety of sons and dreaming of offering sacrifices to neighbors is a great event for friends. Dreams are enjoyed by others and should be tested behind their backs. The etiquette of paying homage to dreams will be seen in front of others. Sacrifice and drink, see who you reward; Burn silks and incense, but see what he says. Meng Lin Xuan steet
Sacrifice to Shinto, good luck. Duke Zhou
Dream that there are blessings at home. Dunhuang dream book
Dreaming of worshippers, great wealth and great wealth. Dunhuang dream book
Dream of chanting and confessing. Jushi had this dream, and Lord Blue gave alms. Teach children to dream this dream and turn disaster into happiness; If I dream this dream in my later years, I will live longer. The maid and handmaiden have this dream, which shows that the host family has this matter; Passengers had this dream on the road, and when they saw it, they should salute and knock at the door.
Sweet dreams, Ji. Dreaming that God was helped by the man of God. After the dream ceremony, the silk was burned and stripped off, and the main reason was to leave because of losing the police. Dream naked, burn silks, and the Lord has small regrets. Dreams are full of sacrifice and music, but they are naked, or all kinds of dramas have their own signs of beginning and end.