Ring the bell to feed the dog is controlled by the brain, right?
Ringing the bell to feed the dog is controlled by the brain. In 200 1 year, BrianKnutson, a neuroscientist at Stanford University, published a decisive experimental report, which proved that dopamine can make people expect to be rewarded, but they can't feel the happiness when they get rewarded. His research draws lessons from a famous behavioral psychology experiment, that is, lvanPavlov's conditioned reflex experiment on dogs. In 1927, Pavlov observed a phenomenon: if you ring the bell before feeding the dog, the dog will drool even if he doesn't see the food. They know how to associate the bell with the promise of dinner. Knudsen made a bold prediction. He believes that the brain will also "drool" when expecting returns. Crucially, this reaction of the brain is different from that when it is actually rewarded.