It shows that all peaches are delicate and soft, which is a symbol of wealth. Duke Zhou: It is auspicious to dream of peaches. The ancients believed that peaches had the function of exorcism. Duke Zhou: I dreamed that peaches could make a fortune. Duke Zhou: dream of eating peach, strong. Duke Zhou: I dreamed of buying peaches, and my income increased greatly. Duke Zhou: If you dream that someone gives you peaches, you will get an inheritance. Duke Zhou: I dream of giving peaches to friends, and friendship will increase. Duke Zhou: Unmarried men dream of giving peaches to their lovers, and they will get their love. Duke Zhou: The unemployed dream of getting a good job by giving others peaches. Duke Zhou: I dreamed that picking peaches from trees would bring me good luck soon. Duke Zhou: Dreaming of rotten peaches is failure. Persimmon has a deep understanding, it reflects other expectations in your life to bear fruit, which means that those things have seen hope but are not yet mature, indicating that it takes time to wait for real results and gains.
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