At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Zixu, a scholar-bureaucrat of Chu State, was born in a big family, and his father, Wu Hao, was a teacher of Wang Ping of Chu State. Who knows, when the villain conspired to frame him, Wang Ping listened to the villain's slanderers and wanted to kill Wu She and his two sons. Wu Zixu's eldest brother Wu Shang is a filial and honest man. After receiving the recall order, he insisted on going. Wu Zixu thought it was a conspiracy of the King of Chu and refused to go. Wu Shang thought for a moment and said to him, I must go, or I will be laughed at by everyone. You should run first. If I die at the hands of the king of Chu, you can avenge us in the future. Later, Wu Shang was arrested and returned to the capital of Chu, and the king of Chu killed his father and son.
Wu Zixu got away with it and ran all the way to the Song State to live with the Prince. I didn't expect that Song was not a safe place, and there was civil strife. The two of them had to continue to flee to the State of Wu, passing a checkpoint called Zhaoguan in the State of Chen, where there was a story that Wu Zixu turned white overnight in order to live in Shaoguan.
Later, Wu Zixu and Taizijian fled to the State of Wu and killed their father and brother. Wu Zixu is always planning. He became a guest of Duke Guang of Wu, and agreed that he could help Duke Guang ascend to the throne. Childe light to help him attack Chu, revenge. Later, with the help of Wu Zixu, Gongziguang successfully became the prince of He Lv. Wu Zixu helped the prince to return to his hometown and captured the capital of Chu, so he was furious, but only ChuPing.
Many people think he is illegal, but Tai Shigong still praises him for "never forgetting evil?" That's why forbearance is famous. Who can do this without a powerful husband? "