This kind of whipping is called whipping, also called whipping. It often appears in Yuan Qu and novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it is the etiquette that emperors need to use when holding court meetings. For example, in the Kangxi period, the emperor was flogged three times, then the emperor entered the golden palace, then the meeting began to end, then the whip was flogged three times, then the emperor left, and then the minister left.
It's a bit like, the bell rang, then everyone was quiet, and then the teacher came into the classroom. After the teacher is good and the students are good, the class begins. After class, the bell rang, the teacher left the classroom, and the students ushered in a ten-minute class.
Some people think you can remind them by playing music, ringing the bell or ringing the bell. Anyone who has seen a whip in real life will know that this sound is loud and fragile, so in some places, it is as disturbing as a square dance, and the listener will be refreshed immediately.
Of course, this is only from the perspective of sound, but in fact, we know that whips are used to whip horses or cows, and this whip shows obedience. In ancient times, the emperor was supreme, and the emperor was the Lord of all peoples. Whips can reflect the authority of the emperor.
Is that whip unique to the Qing Dynasty? Not exactly. It is said that it began in the Tang Dynasty, and it was not a person who blew the whip at first. According to the records in Song Dynasty, twelve people lined up, and the number of people in Song Xiaozong increased to fourteen, but a dozen people had to play neatly. It's not easy. This is not a bell, so they can ring together.
Then it may be like setting off firecrackers, one after another, so the number of people becomes less and less. According to the records of Ming history, there are only four people left, but there are still problems of inconsistent voices, so in the Qing Dynasty, they became one person, that is, our Yongzheng Dynasty.
Of course, this whipping boy must have been trained for years to play. He must succeed once, and the loudness and interval must be the same. In addition, in the Yongzheng dynasty, there was another function, which indicated that something important was going to happen.