What are the ways to solve unlucky dreams?

If someone has an unlucky dream while sleeping, it is not impossible to solve it. All bad things can be solved in the next day's cleaning. What are the specific solutions? Take a look at it from Kanyu's point of view.

Do a general cleaning the next day.

If an unlucky dream is said, it is also a bad omen. At this time, it can be cleaned directly the next morning, which can directly get rid of the bad luck around us. It also has ventilation function, which can improve the sun spirit and wealth at home and help us get rid of disasters.

Blow a pillow

I had an unlucky dream about us at night. After waking up, I can blow three breaths directly into the pillow, then touch the pillow three times, then turn the pillow over, and then I can go back to sleep.

Just say where the sun shines in the morning: the night dream is ominous, painted on the western wall, and the sun will become auspicious when it comes out. Then draw a circle on the wall and say it seven times, and the nightmare will be solved. After the nightmare, don't tell others what kind of nightmare you had.