Housewives must be held in the third phase.

It is a misleading idea that a housekeeper must have one of the three stages, and there is no scientific basis to support this view.

First of all, we must understand the meaning of the sentence that the third phase of the housekeeper must be opened. In some lottery or gambling occasions, people may hear the saying that a certain number or a certain pattern will definitely appear in the next issue after it has not appeared for three consecutive periods. However, this is an idea based entirely on intuition and subjective assumptions, and there is no practical mathematical basis and probability support.

Secondly, from the perspective of probability, the lottery results of each issue are independent and are not affected by previous or future results. In other words, the probability that a number appears in a certain period is exactly the same as the probability that this number appears in the early or late period. Therefore, it is wrong to think that the probability of a number appearing in the third period will increase.

Finally, this wrong idea may lead people to make irrational decisions, such as blindly increasing the amount of bets without fully understanding the probability and risk, which may lead to serious financial losses. Therefore, we should avoid being influenced by this misleading concept, treat lottery and gambling rationally, enjoy the fun of the game, don't over-bet, and avoid bringing troubles to life and family.