My heart has: the superior pillar of the sun, the obstruction of the nine ghosts, and the mistakes of yin and yang, but I am afraid of the disharmony between husband and wife. Sit down and take root, get help, be in an invincible position, be smart, talented and capable.
Shen Yue, rob money together and make money together. Full moon, shoulder to shoulder, wealth and robbery. Confucius said, who lived a long and famous life, Mitsuki, who lost his wife. Yin is the gateway to wealth. Mitsuki, together, is famous all over the world. In the afternoon, the sword shadow is dry, the moon is not full, poor, full, rich, and punished.
Six parents are indifferent, and men and women should beware of emotional disputes and mutual harm; The fate of marriage has changed greatly, and it is difficult to decide whether to break up or break up. This life is sentimental, and life is bitter for love; Once you have an affair with peach blossom, you will see the loss of money and money.
If you do the opposite, you will be in danger of failure. If it's not good, it's good Everything happened by accident, or it was over, or it was over.
The legal theory in mind:
Heart is one of the main branches, ranking 58th. The former is Geng Shen and the latter is Ren Xu. In terms of yin and yang and five elements (birth time and fate), the sweetness of heaven and earth belongs to yin gold, and the combination of ground and branches belongs to yin gold, which is a good ratio.
In the traditional calendar of China, the 58th year of a cycle is called "Heart has Years". The following years are divided by more than 60 years, 1, or the number of years is reduced by 3, and the remainder after division by 10 is 8, and the remainder after division by 12 is 10. The years from the first day of the first month of that year to the New Year's Eve of the following year were all "years of heart".
Lunar calendar is a dry calendar, and solar terms are used to guide agricultural production. Branches and branches are not divided into solar terms, regardless of traditional habits or official almanac (for details, please refer to "heavenly stems and earthly branches of the Perpetual Calendar" compiled by Purple Mountain Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences.