Others won't believe what they say. Look at the American self-report: America is isolated, and its reputation and influence have been completely destroyed. The economy is more fragile, and democracy, values and unity are in jeopardy. Whether America declines or prospers. The rise of China can only depend on itself and high technology, and it must surpass the innovative ability of the United States. Look at the inventions along the way in the United States, and we must cover them one by one. This road is difficult for the sky, and it is not impossible for decades.
The only way for Trump to win back the election is to let go of online voting so that China people can also vote for the president of the United States. I bet that in less than five minutes, his support rate will be far ahead of Biden! ! ! In fact, it sent out that tweet for several purposes, mainly to divert the public's attention, because the GDP dropped sharply, and the death toll in COVID-19 exceeded 6,543.8+0.5 million. In addition, it is true that it wants to postpone the general election. Although you can't, this message is sent to pave the way for not admitting failure.
Trump's performance in populism, propaganda, US stocks and sweater wars still supports re-election. An epidemic has completely exposed ignorance, incompetence and shamelessness, hooliganism and malice. Biden should ease the decline of the old emperor and take less bites from China and the world, so that everyone will feel better. Anyway, since George W. Bush came to power, the national movement has been going downhill. There have been two wars in eight years. Trump is really a bad president and a bad team. In short, returning to the general election, Trump's support rate may not be greatly affected. After all, it is more obvious that Trump is more cunning and unreliable.