With gold in your hands and treasures on your feet, everything will be fine when you leave. Before the person arrives, destiny arrives first and makes the whole family suffer. Go to the big house and make a fortune; go to the hall and make everyone hurt. Covering the crown with a black scarf will make my father and mother rich; covering the head with a black cloth will make my father and mother rich. The bride comes to the big house and makes a fortune. The bride comes to the hall and everyone is in pain. See the sky, the couple will be reunited until their feet are green, and five boys and two girls will be born to you. This candy is sweet and will make you happy in the future. After combing each other in the past, the two lived to an old age. One person is half the person, and the feelings are never separated. The bride leaves home. The bride comes to leave home and becomes a wife. Today she pays respects to her old bed. She goes out happily for a long time. The bride raises her hand to fan and goes to a family to meet each other. When the bride leaves the room, Weng covers her for a long time. If the bride combs her hair together, she will have a red umbrella and a golden chair; if she combs her hair once, she will have children and grandchildren who will be the number one scholar; if she combs her hair and combs a pair of hair, she will have children and grandchildren who will be the husband-in-law; if she combs her hair and combs one pair, she will have a thousand-year marriage and countless wealth; if she combs her hair three times, she will have a thousand-year marriage and wealth. The second time the lice grate is used, the adults have great will. The bride has flowers on her head, and she is a good couple. The newlyweds have their heads placed upright, and they are a good couple at the beginning. The black scarf is put on the head, and the couple is transparent. If the cover is in the front, the couple will be free for the rest of their lives. If the head is covered in the back, the couple will be free. Eat until you are old. The bride goes out and the newlyweds please go out. The couple wears their veils for a long time. The newlyweds please enter the sedan. The couple talks and laughs. They sit upright when they enter the sedan. Someone hurts when they get out of the sedan. The umbrella knocks on the corner of the sedan. The family is rich. The good things are picked up, and the bad ones are blamed. Dust off, the newlyweds put down their fans, see you later tomorrow. Visiting the Bride: The door is opened, people come to visit the bride, a new stone lion is erected at the door, a sign is nailed on the head of the hall, and the bride's room is visited. Invite a cigarette. As the smoke fills with incense, people visit the bride and groom. The bride is so generous, and the groom follows the same etiquette. Invite the bride to drink tea. The tea bag is red. One of the bride’s first-year babies is held in one hand and the other is crawling on the ground. The bride is invited to drink tea. I’ll bring you a red envelope. It’s my nephew. The bride is dressed beautifully today. Red Beautiful clothes and beautiful hair, I will definitely be able to manage the house in the future. A cup of tea, a piece of cake, a hug and a back for you. This cup of tea is bitter and will make you live. The black scarf will not fade away until the temples are rich. Send home and take the bride to the stove. After drinking, the wine was opened and a lot of chickens were fed. When it comes to the bridal room, it depends on the bride and groom. Eat sweets from you and let you be born again. I'll drink a cup of tea to you and let you have two babies a year. Henghenghengheng, the guest carries the lantern and walks forward.