Single skills - Jumps, Spins, Step/Spiral Sequences
Double skills - Lifts ), Throws, Twist Lifts, Death Spirals, Solo/Combo Spins
Ice dance technique - lift (Lifts), Footwork (Step Sequences)
Basics of skating - Edge Quality, Knee Bent, Free Leg, Speed, etc.
The 4t 3t 3lo you mentioned are the types of jumps, they are: Axel, hook lutz, back toe, back inside salchow, back inside flip, loop back outside Knot ring. Among them, Axel is the most difficult and toe loop is the easiest.
Methods to distinguish jumps
1. Axle is easy to distinguish. It is the only one among the six jumps that takes off forward.
2. When salchow takes off, the two feet form a figure-of-eight pattern
3. When loop takes off, the two feet form a cross pattern
4. When toe loop takes off, slide backwards Then tap the ice with your left foot
5. When flipping, slide forward and tap the ice with your right foot
6. When lutz takes off, slide backward and prepare your right foot to tap the ice to take off.
Only 2 of all triple or quadruple jumps are allowed to be repeated, and they must be repeated in combination jumps and consecutive jumps.
A triple or quadruple jump that is not repeated within a combination jump or a continuous jump will be considered an unsuccessful combination jump
and will be counted. A joint jump with only one jumping motion. If three combined jumps or consecutive jumps have been performed, subsequent repeated single jumps may be considered additional actions and will not be considered. No triple or quadruple jump may be attempted more than twice.
Figure skating scoring rules
1. Basic principles of calculation
1. Each action has a base value (BASE VALUE). (SOV) is marked in the score table.
2. Each referee assigns 7 levels of execution points (GOE) to each action. Each level has a corresponding plus or minus point value, which is also marked in the score table.
3. The execution score of the referee group (GOE) is determined by calculating the corrected average of the execution scores of the 9 scoring judges.
4. Calculation method of corrected average: remove the highest score and the lowest score and calculate the average score of the remaining 7 judges.
5. This average score is the final execution score of a single action. The execution scores of the referee team are accurate to two digits after the decimal point.
6. Add the average execution score of this action to its base score to get the total score (technical score) of this action.
7. The joint jump should be scored as one action unit. The two jump base points plus the execution of the most difficult jump among them contribute to the final score for that action unit.
8. Continuous jumps should be scored as one action unit. The base points for the two hardest jumps are added together, multiplied by a factor of 0.8, and then the execution points for the hardest jump are added.
9. Add together the scores given by the referee team for all actions.
10. Any additional actions beyond the prescribed number will not be counted in the athlete's score. An action can only be counted into the score when it is performed for the first time (or within the specified number of attempts).
11. A special 2-point reward can be given for innovative actions or connections. There can only be one such reward in a program.
12. Bonus points (if any) will be added to the sum of the judges’ scores for all actions to arrive at the total technical score.
13. The base points of all jumps completed during the second half of the program in the singles free skate will be multiplied by a factor of 1.1 to reflect the balanced distribution of difficult moves in the program.
14. Each judge also scores the content of the program, with the score ranging from 0.25 to 10 points, with each increment of 0.25 points.
15. The score given by the judging panel to each program content is calculated by calculating the corrected average score of the 9 scoring judges. The corrected average score is calculated according to the method specified in Article 4 above.
16. The judges’ scores for each program will be multiplied by the following coefficients (same for youth and adults):
Men’s Singles: Short Program: 1.0 Free Skate: 2.0
Women's singles: Short program: 0.8 Free skate: 1.6
Pairs: Short program: 0.8 Free skate: 1.6
The results after multiplying by the coefficient are accurate to the decimal point Two digits are added together, and the sum is the program content points.
17. Points will be deducted for each violation of the following regulations in the following manner.
●Time violation - 1.0 points will be deducted for every 5 seconds shorter or longer than 5 seconds.
●Music violations - 1.0 points will be deducted for the use of vocal music
●Prohibited action violations - 2.0 points will be deducted for each illegal action
●Clothes and props violations ————1.0 points will be deducted
●Fall down——1.0 points will be deducted for each drop. If the fall causes the program to be interrupted for more than 10 seconds, additional points will be deducted: 1.0 points will be deducted for 11-20 seconds, 2.0 points will be deducted for 21-30 seconds, and so on.
Explanation of this article - Definition of fall: The athlete loses control and causes both skates to leave the ice, and the athlete's body touches the ice (even if it is temporary).
18. If there are less than 9 referees in the referee team, 5 referees should be randomly selected as scoring referees.
2. The results of each part of the competition are determined
1. The total program score of each contestant in each part of the competition (short program and free skating) is determined by dividing the total technical score Calculated by adding program content points and subtracting any program deductions.
2. The athlete with the highest total score in the program will be ranked first, the athlete with the score next to him will be ranked second, and so on.
3. If two or more skaters have the same score, the one with the highest total technical score in the short program will be ranked first; in the free skate, the one with the highest program content score will be ranked first; if the total technical score is the highest, the skater with the highest total technical score will be ranked first. If the scores and program content scores are the same, then the contestants will be tied.
3. Determination of comprehensive score and total score
1. The sum of the total score of the short program and the total score of the free skate is the final score of an athlete in the competition. The one with the highest final score The athlete won first place.
2. In the International Skating Union Championships with qualifying free skating, the total program score of the free skate will be multiplied by a corresponding coefficient of 0.25 and then added to the total score (in the short program and After the final free skate).
3. If there is a tie at any stage, the program with the highest score at the end will be ranked first.
4. If there is still a tie during this period (the last completed program), the ranking in the last completed program will be used to determine the final ranking. If there is no previous program, the results of the relevant athletes will be tied.
Figure Skating Clothing Requirements
Figure skates should be neat, elegant and will be properly laced.
Simple, well-fitting figure skating clothing, skirts, pants, or turtlenecks, sweatshirts, and a neat and good appearance.
It is not advisable to expose thin underwear or tight clothes and underwear.
It is not advisable to wear loose jewelry (such as loose necklaces, bracelets, etc.).
Props (such as hats, crutches, etc.) are not allowed in single skating and pairs skating, but props can be used in ice dance choreography.
In 2004, the International Skating Union responded to the refereeing controversy at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics by abolishing the 6.0 system and switching to the International Judging System (IJS). In 2006, all international competitions including the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics were required to use this referee system. The new system is often referred to as the Code of Points (CoP), although ISU officials have never used this term. In the new system, each technical element of figure skating will be scored separately, and the sum of these scores is the total technical score (Total Element Score, abbreviated as TES). Each competition program is limited to a fixed number of technical elements. Each technique is first judged by a technical expert, who can use instant video playback to distinguish different elements of the technique, such as the precise position of the feet during takeoff and landing on the ice. The technical expert's decision will determine the base value of the action. Then, the twelve judges on the judging panel each scored the quality and execution of the action. This score is called the grade of execution (GOE), which is an integer between -3 and +3. GOE points will be converted into another numerical value according to the point table in ISU Rule 322. The computer will then randomly select nine GOE scores from the twelve judges, remove the highest and lowest scores, and finally calculate the average of the remaining seven scores. This average will be added to the base score to get the total score for this technical action. The other part of the competition program score, that is, the program components score (PCS), is based on the details and artistic expression of the program that are not covered in the technical total score (TES). It includes the following five items: skating skills (SS), transitions (TR), performance/execution (PE), choreography (CH), and interpretation (CH) , abbreviation IN). The only exception is the prescribed dance of ice dance, which does not have choreography and connection points because the dance steps are predetermined.
The judges give each minor item a raw score between 0 and 10, with a unit score of 0.25, and 5 representing "average". The scores of each minor event are selected, deleted, averaged in the same way as GOE, and then multiplied by a coefficient determined by the competition event, competition stage (short program or free skate) and level, and then the scores of each minor event are compared. plus, is the final PCS score. The sum of TES and PCS is called the total score for a competition segment (TSS). The final ranking of the players is determined by the sum of the total points in each stage of the competition. Seat placement will no longer be used to determine final ranking.
The turns that players can choose in the follow-up step include: Three turns: The trajectory drawn by the skate on the ice is in the shape of the number "3". Bracket turns: The trajectory drawn by the skate on the ice is in the shape of a bracket "}". Inside hooks and outside hooks (rockers and counters): turning on one foot, changing directions and changing arcs. Mohawks: A bipedal version of the triple turn and bracket step. Choctaws: A bipedal version of the inside and outside hook steps. Twizzles: Complete multiple rotations on one foot while gliding.
Spinning is a required action element in most figure skating competitions, and all four Olympic events require spinning. Figure skating includes three basic rotation postures: Sit spin, Camel spin and Upright spin. From these three postures, many postures can be transformed. When rotating on one foot, the skater touches the ice with the curved part of the "foot" of one skate blade close to the blade teeth. Like jumping, most players spin counter-clockwise, and a few players can spin clockwise and counter-clockwise. Taking a counterclockwise player as an example, the rotation of the left foot is called forward spin, and the rotation of the right foot is called back spin. Spins can be done individually or multiple spins in succession (combined spins). Spins entered by jumping are called flying spins, including flying camel, flying sit spin, death drop, and butterfly spin. Jump spins can be changed from forward to reverse spins or as part of a combined set of spins. The rotation of pairs skating can be done by two people simultaneously completing the same type of rotation, or it can be a joint rotation by two people. In addition, pairs skating and ice dancing also include pairs pirouettes and dance pirouettes, in which two skaters hold each other and rotate around the same axis.