Vernacular: Zi and Mao are called rough punishment because Zi belongs to water, Mao belongs to wood, and aquatic wood, so it is against human relations for the mother, Mao is the son, and the son and mother are harmful; In addition, the base is in the east, where the sun rises, and the son is in the north, where the sun was born. The sun rises from the base and the son stands in the corner. Respect and insult are impolite, so they are called rudeness. In other words, the water in the son, the water in the son, the fire in the son, and the wood in the son, so the son was punished, the wood in the son, the wood in the son, and Geng died in the son, so the son was punished. Zi Mao is rude because her husband is punished (e is a husband, g is a husband) and her life is unlucky. The punishment of the son and the prosperity of the son, the power of the Lord is terrible and serious, violent and violent, and no one can wait; Zi Mao was sentenced to death, and his master was negligent, narrow-minded and unfilial, endangering his wife and children and hating his six relatives. If you fight Quakers, the master will be in charge of the military, but the time will not be long; If you enter the humble grid, your master will be cruel, which will lead to disaster.