When are people usually buried after death?

Died three days before burial.

Relatives and friends come to pay their respects for three days, and the children of the deceased cry with the visitors all day, especially in rural areas, people will cry earth-shattering, and even some daughters-in-law and married daughters will cry in their mouths.

In addition to mourning relatives and friends, seeing the last side, the main purpose is to call back the soul of the deceased and bring the deceased back to life. But this point is ignored by everyone and only passed on to some forms.

It is said that a long time ago, after the death of an elder, his family was very sad and cried loudly. As a result, three days later, the deceased came back to life (because of medical suspended animation). The man recalled that his temporary soul came out of its shell, which was the crying and wailing of relatives, forcing the consciousness of the deceased to compete with death and return to the world.

In the future, people will stop for a few days to be buried, hoping that their dead relatives can live again. There are also some relatives and friends who come to mourn, and everyone cries together, and they also help the family to call the deceased together, hoping that he can come back to life. In this way, it has been handed down in the form of burying and crying for a few days.

After the burial, the children and their close relatives will also "burn seven". Especially on May 7, we went to the grave of the deceased to pay homage to the new couple, in order to let the relatives of the deceased wake up in grief and face the reality as soon as possible.

Because the homonym of "seven" is the expectation "period" and "five seven" means "indefinite", the mood of expecting the return of the deceased is far away.