The birthday of a boy born at 15:45 on August 6, 2015

Birthday horoscope analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

August 6, 2015 15:45

Birthday (lunar calendar) Yiwei Year June 22 Shenshi

Bazi Yiwei Guiwei Jiayin Renshen

Five elements wood and soil water and soil wood wood water and gold

Nayin gold in the sand willow wood Daxi Water Jianfeng Gold

Overview: The horoscope is relatively strong, and the horoscope likes "gold". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "gold" in the name. The analysis is as follows:

Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Wood 3.22, Water 2.30, *** total 5.52 points; [Odd score]: Fire 0.99, Gold 0.77, Earth 1.16, *** total 2.92 points; [Difference]: 2.60 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: 2.60 points, "Bazi is strong"; "Bazi likes to use God": Bazi is relatively strong, Bazi likes "gold", "gold" is the destiny "The God of Joy".