If you were born after 9 o'clock on March 20, 1993, you were born in Xinsi hour, Yimao month, Gengzi day, Guiyou year
Birth time: (Gregorian calendar) March 20, 1993 9 o'clock on the day
(Lunar calendar) February 28, Guiyou year
Eight-character Pinyin: guǐyǒuyǐ mǎogēng zǐxīn sì
Eight-character pinyin: Guiyou Yi Maogeng Zi Xinsi
Five Elements: Water, Metal, Wood, Wood, Water, Metal, Fire
Nayin: Jianfeng Gold, Earthen White Wax Gold on the Water Wall of Daxi River
The number of Five Elements in Eight Characters is 2 0 wood, 1 fire, 0 earth, 3 gold, 2 water.
My zodiac sign is Rooster, and my sword-edge metal zodiac sign. The five elements of gold are prosperous and lack of earth; the sun dominates the heavenly stem and the five elements of gold are born in spring.