Who died first, Zhen Mi or Cao Zhi? How many years earlier did the one who died first than the one who died later? How old was Cao Rui when Zhen Mi died? Does the emperor's edict have to be sealed b

Who died first, Zhen Mi or Cao Zhi? How many years earlier did the one who died first than the one who died later? How old was Cao Rui when Zhen Mi died? Does the emperor's edict have to be sealed before it becomes effective?

Zhen Mi died first, in 221 AD. Cao Zhi died in 232 AD, 11 years later. Cao Rui was born in 204 AD, and Zhen Mi was 17 when she died. Cao Pi ordered Zhen Mi to die in the same year as the Queen Guo witchcraft incident, 221 AD.

Of course the emperor's imperial edict must be sealed before it can take effect, otherwise anyone can write it.