An ugly person in Haizi, who sees Yin as an orphan, sees Xu as a widow. A person in Yinmao, who sees Yu as an orphan, sees ugliness as a widow. At noon, a person who sees Shen as an orphan, sees Chen as a widow. Shen You, who sees Hai as an orphan, sees him as a widow.
Check the law. The main shape is lonely and meaty, which is not conducive to six relatives. It's better to live in prosperity than to die. It's a dissolute place with the post horse. It's a lonely place, and it's a lonely place. It's difficult to get married in life. It's difficult for a woman to get married. She's born in a lonely place, but she's widowed, and she can't live with her old age after repeated marriages. A man is a stranger, and a woman is a woman from a different province. She's lonely. Custom-made jungle leaders ".However, it is particularly prominent that the marriage is not smooth.
Being lonely and widowed is the tomb and unique position of Indian stars and wealthy stars. People are lonely and widowed, and their main shape is lonely and bare, and their faces are unfriendly, which is not good for their six relatives.
A lonely man and a post horse meet, and the Lord is dissolute in a foreign land. See with the empty death, the master and the young are less dependent. See you with Sang Men and Hangke. My parents died one after another, and they often suffered heavy losses all their lives, with disasters overlapping, loneliness and cold. When you enter Quaker, you will inevitably wander all your life.
when you are lucky, you should avoid being lonely and lonely, and when you are unlucky, you should avoid being widowed.