As for the horoscope, as for the birth of silver moon, the moon will hurt the official at noon, which is so frustrating. Meeting again at noon is a fire bureau, and the injured officials turn to make money. Of course, it is a beautiful thing, but only when they are healthy can they make money. In addition, people who are injured by the moon must be stamped and sealed. For example, Wu Jia, Bingyin, Guihai, and Gengshen, the Lord of Japan, are born on the ground, and they can use the injured officials if they are strong, and they will also make good use of them. However, although the injured official has no wealth, he will be poor. Now that the fire of C is exposed, the underground branch will be held in the afternoon, and the injured official will be personified into wealth. He is a good man. The above are several situations in which the eight characters change with God.
In the use of the eight characters, B was born in the month, through five for wealth, will be destroyed in the afternoon, will rob the moon into a food injury, into a good person for change. Take life as an example: Wu Jia, Bing Yin, Mao Yi and Wu Yin. Mu Yi was born in silver moon and was robbed by the sun and the moon. According to the principle of access to Zi Ping Zhen Quan, the moon robbery is to use gods, but at noon in the new year, Yin Wu will turn into a fire, and the dry moon will show fire C, so the moon robbery will become an official injury. See also the support of the Japanese branch and the support of Yinmu. The eight characters like to use gods or, as the original text says, evil spirits turn into seals when they encounter incense. It also depends on the cooperation between cadres and party branches in the pattern. Generally speaking, the sun Lord is in a place of death and imprisonment, and most of them are weak. So the yen must be helpful before it can be used to kill people. It is a good man to kill and seal, and to make a living in exchange for grams. For example, Xin You, the Reform Movement of 1898, Renqi and Ding Wei ordered the moon to build a mound to dry the earth, and the moon was killed. Although Renshui is the master, Yueshi built the land of death, and the water is not tight, so it is difficult for the king to kill it. If you want Wang to kill you, you must be in good health. You are happy to see the New Year column, and you are very delicate. You are greedy for life and forget grams. You turn killing into a seal. This land has changed from taboo to joy and has become a good person. Therefore, when analyzing the good and bad, we should first look at the coordination of the pattern and see if it can meet the requirements after changing the gods. Everything that can meet the needs of the pattern is good.