What is missing from the Five Elements in the Renyin month of the Renzi year, Renwu, and Renchen?


Birthday: February 21, 1972 at 7 o'clock in the Gregorian calendar. My zodiac sign is rat, and my zodiac sign is the mulberry tree. The five elements of water are strong and gold is lacking; the sun dominates the sky stem and is water, born in winter.

(Same kind of water and metal; different kind of earth, fire and wood.)

Lunar calendar, Renzi year, first lunar month, seventh day, Chen hour

Eight characters: Renzi, Renyin, Renwu, Jiachen

Five Elements: Water, Water, Wood, Water, Fire, Wood and Earth

Nayin: Mulberry, Gold Leaf, Willow, Buddha Light

Number of Five Elements: 0 Gold, 2 Wood, 4 water, 1 fire, 1 earth

Four Seasons God Reference: Sun Lord Tiangan Water was born in winter, and must be assisted by fire. It likes a lot of water, but avoids a lot of metal.