What is adolescent English?

The English for teenagers is: teenagers.


1, she was not sent to the juvenile court, but was warned.

She? Isn't it? Sent it? Where to? That? Teenagers? Court; ? Instead? She? Used to be. Be warned. ?

The juvenile offender received only a light punishment.

This? Teenagers? A criminal? Copy that? No? More? Than? Answer? Justice? Slap? Open? That? Wrist. ?

Some children will become completely different people when they reach puberty.

Some? Children? Suffer? Answer? Complete? Transformation? What time? They? Become? Teenagers. ?

These street youth gangs make neighbors talk about it.

These? Street? Gangs? Really? Become? That? Scary? Yes? That? Neighborhood relations. ?

Two teenagers were caught by security video recorder when they stole records.

Two? Young? Boys? Used to be. Shoot? Stealing? CD? Open? That? Security guard? Video.