Can practicing Buddhism change my destiny?

Layman: A person's horoscope is destined, and reciting the Buddha's name can change his destiny. But some people have supernatural powers and goddesses, and they can really change people's destiny. As a Buddhist disciple, how can we defeat the spells cast by goddesses and control our own destiny? Destiny is doomed, so why can a goddess change a person's destiny, from good to bad, and from good to bad? Master Da'an: First of all, you are a disciple of Buddhism. You take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. Don't pay too much attention to these goddesses and men. They don't have much ability. They are all small magic. Although they can do some fortune-telling and have some small magical powers, these fall into the scope of evil. If we recite the Buddha's name, it is a bright road. What is our destiny? Destiny is an expression of our good and evil karma; it is indeed destiny, because our karma for many lives and kalpas constitutes our life in this life, including the length of our lifespan, the beauty and ugliness of our appearance, the level of our social status, The amount of wealth we have is determined by fate. But this karma is created by the heart. The heart can create karma, and the heart can create destiny; but I can also change this destiny. If the heart changes, the karma will change, and if the karma changes, the destiny will change. Therefore, all changes in destiny are in your own hands, not in the hands of the Goddess; the Goddess has no power to make your life better, so don't listen to her stuff; she may do the math, but Calculating changes in people's subjective initiative will also make her calculations inaccurate. There are many fortune tellers who are very experienced. They usually do not tell fortunes for family members or the four disciples, because the fortune tellers are not accurate. Therefore, learning Buddhism has the function of transcending the three realms, transcending the five elements, and transcending destiny. If the trajectory of your destiny is on the bad side, and you suddenly have great bodhicitta and sincerely chant the Buddha's name at this time, it will immediately change and turn into an auspicious function; therefore, destiny is not destiny. Destiny has destiny but is in motion. Does it bring good luck or bad luck? It completely depends on what kind of thoughts you have at the moment; therefore, all destiny is in your own hands, not in the hands of gods, goddesses and men. Furthermore, whether it is a good life or a bad life, it is just a dream, not worth worrying about. Overall, it is suffering, emptiness and impermanence. Therefore, the focus should be on reciting the Buddha's name and seeking rebirth in the Western Paradise. This is the best life.