Where is Mopan Village?

Mopan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Danshan Town, Yanjiang District, ziyang City, Sichuan Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 5 12002107211,and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 512002. The postal code is 64 1300, the long-distance telephone area code is 0832, and the license plate number is Chuan M. Mopan Village is adjacent to Lishengou Village, Baziqiang Village, Tuanzhu cun Village, Heishawan Village, Hujiaci Village, Konka Village, Baoan Village, Zhangmu Village, Fushou Village, Luogao Village, Farm Village, Hufeng Village, Huaming Village and Hongcun Village.

There are many tourist attractions near Mopan Village, such as Danshan Baita, Baohe Ecological Holiday Tourist Area, Linjiang Temple Sichuan flavor source, Ziyang stalagmite, Half Moon Mountain Buddha, and other specialties, such as Jiang Yan mandarin orange, Linjiang Temple watercress, Danshan jar chicken, Chunhong blood orange, Ziyang Zhonghe vinegar, etc.