20 14, 12,1617,28 Sometimes the five elements are missing, so boys give names.

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 2014121617: 28.

Birthday (lunar calendar): Wu Jianian1October 25th.

Eight characters: Wu Jia Bingzi has Ding You in his heart.

Five elements: wood, fire, water, gold, fire and gold

Yin Na: The pomegranate tree in the golden cave in the sand is suffering from fire.

Five elements analysis:

The eight characters are weak, and the eight characters like "earth". It is best to use the five elements of the word "earth" for the name. The analysis is as follows:

This life is full of five elements; The five elements lack soil; The sun and the sky are golden (the same kind is: golden soil; Heterogeneous: firewood and water. Five-element statistics: 1 wood 3 fire 0 soil 3 gold 1 water)