What is conceit?

1, conceited people feel superior. Superiority is a dysfunctional thinking. Conceited people think they are more important and superior than others. They usually find some ways to integrate their success and best qualities into unnecessary conversations.

They are vain and arbitrary. A conceited person is bound to be confused by his own image. They are eager for attention and need to attract others. Usually, they even measure their self-worth according to their appearance.

A conceited person won't trust anyone. A conceited person wants to be the only beneficiary of any success. They usually want to focus all their attention on themselves, because they like praise and praise. Their desire for praise and always wanting to be the best people lead them to leave others behind in the points.

They need constant comfort. Conceited people are not always as confident as they seem. A conceited person may be troubled by their appearance, success and importance.