The name is Jiao, please help me find the name next to the character "帯火"

Jiao Yanbin (yan: burning bin: describing elegance)

Jiao Yuting (shining; slim)

As long as you master some essentials and methods to name your child, it is still your own It’s best to start first, because only you know your children best, and only you know what your expectations are. Furthermore, there are some restrictions on naming. For example, you cannot use a name that is already used by someone in your family, but outsiders do not know which word your family has already used. On the other hand, there is an old saying: "The name is chosen by the parents. "Skin and hair are given by parents, so as a son of man, we should be grateful." Although we generally don't talk about this now, as parents, it is more meaningful for us to name our children ourselves: