How do vegetables become sweet after frost?

This is an emergency response of vegetables, or self-protection, because plants themselves store starch, but after frosting, in order not to freeze themselves, starch is converted into maltose, and then converted into glucose through maltose, which is a bit sweet, so frosted vegetables taste a bit sweet. Most frozen vegetables will be sweet. Sometimes the vegetables we grow in winter are mainly cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, radish and cabbage, and sugar can be added.

When the weather gets cold, some vegetables with poor cold resistance will freeze to death and wither, while others will increase the absorption of organic matter, thus producing more starch. Starch in green vegetables is repeatedly converted into glucose, which is easily soluble in water. Adding appropriate amount of sugar to the cell fluid of green vegetables can increase its frost resistance. Therefore, many vegetables become sweet after frosting and are easy to boil.