Detailed introduction to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

The Hanging Garden, also known as the Hanging Garden, is one of the seven wonders of ancient times.

Legend has it that it was built in the 6th century BC by Nebuchadnezzar II of the Babylonian Kingdom near the city of Babylon for his homesick princess Amyitis. It is said that the hanging garden adopts three-dimensional gardening techniques.

The garden was placed on a four-story platform, built of asphalt and bricks. The platform was supported by 25-meter-high pillars and had an irrigation system. Slaves kept pushing the handles connected to the gears. Various flowers, plants and trees are planted in the garden. From a distance, it looks like the garden is suspended in mid-air, hence the name Hanging Garden.

Babylon was conquered

The Assyrians living north of Babylon were very powerful. In the 8th century BC (China had entered the Spring and Autumn Period), Assyria became a huge military empire. Babylon was conquered by it, and Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine, Asia Minor, and Egypt were all included in its territory.

Except for Greece and Italy, almost all the Mediterranean coast is occupied by it. The capital of Assyria was called Nineveh, and many magnificent palaces were built there. In 612 BC, the Chaldeans living in Babylon united with the Medes in the east to attack Assyria. They charged into Nineveh armed with bloody spears and shields. The entire city was massacred, even the children were not spared.

The last king of Assyria, Sinsalishikon, was burned to ashes along with his palace. From then on, this huge empire and its capital disappeared from the face of the earth.