Enter inquiries through the official website of the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office under the State Administration for Market Regulation, sbj.saic.gov.cn.
Query steps.
The first step is to log in to sbj.saic.gov.cn and click "Trademark Search".
The second step is to click "I accept".
The third step is to click on "Trademark Similarity Search". ?
The fourth step is to fill in the trademark category number to be queried in the "Trademark Classification" column. For example, enter "33" to indicate that the 33rd category is to be queried. Then click the magnifying glass icon to the right of "Graphic Coding".
In the fifth step, graphics classification coding appears.
The sixth step is to select the category to be queried, such as querying bear patterns. Then select category 3.14. Then click "Add to Search". ?
In the seventh step, the page automatically switches to the query page, click "Query". ?
In the eighth step, all the graphics related to bears are listed. ***488 trademarks were found.
Trademark graphic coding is to code all things in nature and all things and shapes that can be described artificially. Each item or type of thing is given a code.
Through this encoding, we can solve the problem of being unable to input graphics or inaccurate text descriptions of graphics when searching for trademarks.
(The answer to this question is essentially the same question as "How to know whether a graphic trademark has been registered". This is not a question-seeking behavior, sir)