How to read towel English?

The English word for towel is towel, and its pronunciation is English [_ta__l] and American [_ta__l].

Other English words with towel meaning in English include:

1, fabric: English [_fe_skl_θ], American [_fe_skl_:θ]. The plural of the towel is facecloths. It means towel.

2. Face towel: English [_w__kl_θ] American [_wɑ:_kl_:θ]. The plural of towel is washcloths. It means towel, face towel and bath towel.

3.washrag: English ['w__r_g], USA [_ w _ _ r _ ɡ, _ w _ _-]. It means towel, washcloth, washcloth. One-stop study abroad strategy in