Latin abbreviations, Chinese names, area and number of stars
Andromeda And Andromeda 722 1
Antlia Ant Pump Station 239 2
Apus Aps Tianyan Station 26 2
Aquarius Aqr. Aquarius 98 9
Aquila Aql Aquarius 652 7
Ara Ara Aquarius 237 3
Aries Ari 441 5
Auriga Aur Auriga 657 9
Bootes Boo Capricorn 97 9
Cae. Lum Cae Sculpture Block 125 1
Camelopaldalis Cam Deer Leopard Block 757 5
Cancer Cnc Cancer Block 56 6
Canes Venaticcvn Canis Canis Major CMA Canis Canis Major CMA 38 8
Canis Minor CMi 183 2
Capricorn Cap Capricorn 414 5
Carina Car 494 11
Cassiopeia Cas Cassiopeia 598 9
Centaurus Cen 16 15.
Cepheus Cep Cepheus 588 6
Cetus Cet Whale 1231 1
Chamaeleon Cha Weir Dragonfly 132 2
Cirinus Cir Compass 93 2
Columba Col Pigeon 27 4
c. Oma Berenices Com 386 5
Corona Austrilis CrA 128 25
Corona Borealis CrB 179 2
Corvus Crv 184 15
Crater Crt 28. 2 2
Crux Cru Southern Cross 68 3
Cygnus Cyg Cygnus 84 15
Delphinus Del Dolphin 189 3
Dorado Dor Swordfish 179 2
Draco Dra Draco Draco 183 8
Equ. Leuseq Sagittarius 72 1
Eridanus Eri Bojiang 1138 1
Fornax For Celestial Furnace 398 35
Gemini Gem Gemini 514 7
Grugru Crane 366 3
Hercules Herr Wuxian. 1225 14
horological horclock stand 249 2
Hydra Hya hydra 133 2
hydra hyi hydra 243 2
Indus Ind Indy 294 2
Lacerta Lac Butch 21 35
. > Leo Leo Leo 947 7
Leo Minor LMi Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo 232 2
Lynx Lyn Tmall Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo 6
Lyra Lyr Lyra 286 15
Mensa Men Mountain 153 15
Microseopium Mic microscope stand 21 2
Monoceros Mon unicorn stand 482 85
Musca Mus fly stand 138 3
n. Orma Nor rectangular ruler seat 165 2
Octans Oct South Pole seat 291 35
Ophiuchus Ophiuchus 948 1
Orion Orion 594 12
Pavo Pav Peacock seat 378 45
Pegasus Pegasus Pegasus. 1121 1
Perseus Per Perseus 615 9
Phoenix Phe 469 4
Pictor Pic easel 247 3
Pisces Psc Pisces 889 75
Pisces austrinus PSA South Pisces 24. 5 25
Puppis PuP Tail 673 14
Pyxis Pyx Compass 221 25
Reticulum Ret Netting 114 15
Sagittarius SGE Sagittarius 8 2
Sagittarius Sgr 867 115
. > Scorpius Sco 497 1
Sculpor SCL Jade House 475 3
Scutum Sct Shield House 19 2
Serpens Serpent Serpent 637 6
Sextans Sextant House 314 25
Tauru. S Tau Taurus 797 125
telescope base 252 3
Triangulum Tri Triangle 132 15
Triangulum Australia Tra Triangle 11 2
Tucana Tuc Rhododendron 295 25 < P> Ursa Major UMa Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ursa minor Ur
Vulpecula Vulcan is 268 45
Or the flowers are well-known
For example,
biennial flowers
delphinium, black grass, yellow sea, poppy, blue flowers, Meconopsis, and corn poppy
drunken flowers, kale, and fragrant flowers. Zhuge Cai Mai Xianweng
Silk Dianthus High Snow Wheel Tri-color Pine Leaf Chrysanthemum Meat Huang Ju Raw Stone Flower
Scutellaria barbata
talinum Tripterygium wilfordii Thunb. Red cockscomb flowers, thousand-day red sunflower
Impatiens send spring flowers, evening primrose flowers, flax and sea pepper
Watch pumpkins, watch gourds fall at night, money, okra and sunflower
Horse. Malva, Malva, Silver-rimmed Pea, Lupine
Cordyceps sinensis, Ageratum, Chrysanthemum, Calendula, Cuiju
Red cornflower, garland, chrysanthemum and Ophiopogon. Persian chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Sunflower Straw Chrysanthemum
Sunflower Straw Chrysanthemum, Leya Chrysanthemum, Mother Chrysanthemum, Snake-eye Chrysanthemum
Malachite Swelling Chrysanthemum. Vernonia Naomi, South Africa, zinnia
Primula Gentiana, Chimonanthus campanula, South Africa Lobelia, Geely
Flora Flora, Daphne grandiflora, Datura, Chile morning glory
Moth butterfly flower. Calceolaria dragon's face flower
shell flower, perilla frutescens, Commelina communis
perennial flower
Aconitum-side calendula, Leonurus japonicus and Leonurus japonicus
Delphinium, Hedysarum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, Thalictrum
Trollius chinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, Water lily, Wang Lian
Lotus, golden thread, hanging tortoise, asarum bean. Cloverleaf thistle poppy
snowflake, beautiful spring, water chestnut, Huang Yinghua, Bo returned to oriental poppy
purse peony, cassia twig, purple flower, fragrant mustard, snowball violet
Rhodiola tricolor. Sedum Sedum Thunb.
Sedum Sedum Thunb.
Sedum Sedum Thunb.
Sedum Saxifraga Thunb.
Potamogeton caryophyllum Thunb. Bamboo ruffled leaves cut Xia Luo carnation alkali flower
dew flower coral vine Phytolacca acinosa five-color amaranth safflower oxalis
Trollius chinensis Hemsl. Spotted Liriodendron
Calyx-spaced LYSIMACHIA willows, peach grass and mirabilis jalapa
perennial flax begonia, hollyhock vine, mallow hibiscus
Cedar sunflower overlord whip snake berry is shy. Butterfly bean
LYSIMACHIA christinae, lupine, Oxytropis, Sophora alopecuroides
Cassia microphylla, Trifolium pratense, small crown flower, red bean, rich grass
cold spray, hops and rue. Blue ribbon flower milkweed
wax source flower big flower rhinoceros horn five-star flower madder valerian
tufted grass with alternate leaves, abnormal petals, sunflower spring, Huang Ju blue chrysanthemum
Dutch chrysanthemum. Daisy glass chrysanthemum mountain cornflower chicory
Cirsium japonicum, Coreopsis grandiflora, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Erigeron grandiflora
Eupatorium odoratum hybrid medal chrysanthemum gerbera, purple goose down < P > Dendranthema morifolium clustered with Shanliuju Huang Jinju large-flowered Inula Viburnum
Flowers and leaves ruyi Hairy-leaf Jinguangju Grassland Hairy-leaf Chrysanthemum Guayeju Immortal Pen
Solidago Ai Ju Farfara Wedelia grandiflora