How to pronounce Shu as a surname?

The pronunciation of the character "殳" as a surname is: shū.

The pronunciation of the character "殳" as a surname is: shū. The surname Shu is one of the Chinese surnames. It is ranked as the 362nd noble family in the Song version of "Hundred Family Surnames". It is mainly distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and other places. Historical celebrities include the talented girl Shu Mo and the filial son Shu in the Qing Dynasty. Help clear and wait. The surname Shu comes from the surname Jiang, the son of Boling, a descendant of the Yan Emperor Shennong.

The surname Shu belongs to the surnames given by emperors for their merits. According to legend, Boling, a descendant of Emperor Yan's Shennong clan, fell in love with A'nu, the wife of fellow citizen Wu Quan, at first sight, and the two married in private. Yuan's wife later gave birth to three sons for Boling. The third son was named Shu, and he was the inventor of the archery target. Therefore, Emperor Yao named him the Marquis of Shu, gave him the surname Shu, and called him the Shu family.

Use the name of the weapon as the surname, and use the name of the weapon as the surname. In ancient times, a grand celebration was held on the first day of every year. During this event, there was a procession of soldiers and armor for inspection. Each team has a general to command the team. The so-called Shu Guard was later called the Guard of Honor.

殳 is a kind of bamboo weapon, one or two feet long, with no metal blade on the head and an eight-sided sharp edge. The descendants of the generals of the Shu army took the name of the weapon Shu as their surname. Shu is an ancient weapon. According to legend, a descendant of Emperor Yan's Shennong family invented the archery target, and Emperor Yao therefore named him Marquis of Shu. And gave him the surname Shu.

Other origins of the surname Shu

It comes from the Youyu family, named after their ancestor. According to the "Tongzhi Clan Brief", when Shun was the leader of the tribe, there was a member of the Yu clan who served as Shun's minister. The descendants of Shu were given the surname Shu after their ancestors, thus forming a branch of the surname Shu. In ancient times, there was a person named Shun, who was a minister of Emperor Shun. The descendants of Shun took their ancestor's name Shu as their surname, and thus became a branch of the surname Shu.

Ancestor of the surname: In ancient times, bamboo weapons called Shu were ancient weapons. When ancient humans did not use metal, before hunting and war, they would hold Shu and dance. This was mobilization practice. It is also about worshiping gods and boosting morale. Later, in ancient times, there were Shu troops in celebrations and dances, and the descendants of the officials responsible for leading the Shu troops took their official surnames as their surnames, forming another branch of the Shu surname.