Why do many people's names have a single name and a negative name?

Cao Yin's ci is clear, and this word is young and clear. From Shangshu, it says, "Only the night is bright, and it is straightforward." This "yin" means respect. Shuo Wen "Yin,"

There was a famous poet named Chen Yin in Qing Dynasty? I don't know. Do you mean Chen Yinque, the author of Liu Biezhuan? "Yin" and "Ke" are juxtaposed. Obviously, the word "Yin" here also means respect.

Tang Yin word Bohu, Yin is the earthly branch. Yin, as a branch of earth, is widely used in names, mainly by borrowing the power of tigers. Another meaning is that the stone seal has just broken dawn, which is equivalent to "dawn".