The common names of Russians are as follows:
1. АлексейAlexei (Greek) defends
2. Анатолий Anatoly (Greek) sunrise
3. Андрей Andrei (Greek) is brave
4. Антон Anton (Greek) goes into battle
5. Борис Boris (Russian, Paul) fights for honor
6. Valentin (La) is healthy
7. Valery (La) is strong
8 , Василий Vasily (Greek) ruled
9. Виктор Victor (La) the winner
10. Владимир Vladimir (S) owns the world
11. Геннадий Gennady (Greek) noble
12. Евгений Yevgeny (Greek) noble
13. Егор Yegor (Greek) peasant
14. Ефим Yefim (Greek) kind-hearted
15. Игорь Igor (Russia) the god of wealth and protection
16. Лев column Husband (Greek) Lion
17. Леонид Leonid (Greek) Lion
18. МаксимMaxim (Latin America)
19. Никита Ni Kita (Greek) Victory
20. Николай Nicholas (Greek) People's Victory
21. Олег Oleg (Scandinavia) Holy
22. Пётр Peter (Greek) stone