The main ones are as follows:
Name: Ubest Description: Chinese name: Ubest.
Name: Esame Description: Chinese name: Yi Shun.
Name: Chu Zhong, Creaon Description: CreateZone, creation, zone.
Name: Kai Zhi keeza Description: keenZap, high quality, sunshine.
Name: Pu Ding, Podazz Description: PopDazzle, popular, shining.
Name: Fengpu, feepop Description: feelPop, feeling, popular.
Name: Fuping, Finpae Description: FinePaean, excellent, hymn.
Name: Feipeng, Finpre Description: FindPretty, found, cute.
Name: LEAROL-Saitao Description: sale: sales; tall, become bigger and stronger. Sai means transcendence; Tao means overseas shopping paradise.
Name: Pinzhuo PeakZone Description: peak high-end zone.
Name: Leofoo Palace Description: Leofoo Palace is homophonic to the Louvre; the Louvre is one of the oldest, largest and most famous museums in the world, and the Louvre is also the oldest royal palace in France. ; Lufei Palace, which means the biggest and best.
Name: Aerfine aerfine Description: homophonic Alpha, which is the first of the Greek letters, representing the first and top; AERFINEAERF (Alpha) + FINE (beautiful and wonderful).
Name: OTA Description: OTAONEOTA (OTA) + ONE (first-class).
Name: Castle Description: A castle where various items gather.
Name: Panda pandair Description: panda panda.