How to write "farmer" in English

Farmers; Farmers?

Farmers, farmers.


English? ['pez(? ) nt] beautiful? 【‘p? znt】?

Farmers; country folk

Make sentences:

1、The? Farmers? led? We? Come down? This mountain. ?

The farmer took us down the mountain.

2、The? Old? Farmers? Hey? 10~20? Pigs? One year. ?

The old farmer keeps 20 pigs every year.

3、A? Local? Farmers? led? That? Guerrillas? Through? Forest. ?

A local farmer led the guerrillas through the forest.


English? 【‘fɑ? m? ] beautiful? 【' fɑm? ]

Farmers; farmer

Make sentences:

1, I have? Sublet? Answer? Plot? From ... the farmer. ?

I rented a small piece of land from a farmer.

2、The? Farmers? Selling? His? Fruit? Go door to door. ?

The farmer sells fruit from door to door.

3. As a? Farmer? What about you? Should? Study? How about it? Yoke? That? Yellow cattle? Together. ?

As a farmer, you should learn how to put a pair of cows together.