Both Wang Fugui and Wu Liuqi cannot escape the fate of being on the list! What are the six most perfunctory names in anime?

Animation is an inevitable form of entertainment in our lives. And in various animations, characters we like or dislike are created. Some characters have very cute personalities, but have names that don’t really match them. There are also many characters in anime works with names that make people want to complain. The names in some works sound normal in Japan, but when translated into Chinese, they look very strange. The most classic one is the heroine in Mirai Diary, Yuno My Wife. If understood in Chinese, My Wife can probably be translated as my wife. And these two characters seem particularly strange when placed in a surname.

Hero is a character in My Hero Academia. Although he is not very weak in the class, his presence is particularly low. His special ability is to control people's minds, but I don't know why the author gave him this weird name. If you turn the name upside down, it will form an even weirder name. As a result, despite his good abilities, he is still a weirdo in the anime. Soy sauce. It can be said to be a very interesting setting.

In the well-known anime A Certain Scientific Railgun, Shokuhou Misaki should be considered half a villain. As a queen, she is always incompatible with the heroine. When two people are together, they can always have various disputes. He even always provokes the heroine in front of her, but in the eyes of the audience, these two people are particularly cunning. And there are many people in these people's lives who force the two of them to be together.

It can only be said that every work has its own meaningful characters. When the author names the characters, he must have his own ideas.